whoa. This is 100% accurate. I love AI, but I hate that people are using it to extract shareholder value, thus firing people instead of trying to make our lives better.

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I say power to those people who get fired.. good riddance from the box clock life and all empowerment and courage to building a new an inspiring life. I got fired in the dot com crash.. not long after I became a founder of my own company and have been riding that wave since.. and its been a crazy and awesome ride.

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Not everyone is like that. I am not going to praise capitalists for shedding jobs so their share price can go up. It’s fine If people want to leave, but I don’t see any good news for somebody getting fired against they will or performance, even of god comes from out

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fair enough, but these companies are ruthless and really we have seen their brutal moves. I wish that people only have a quick cry about it.. literally, it can hurt, and then not feel like a victim of it, but rather rise in ways they maybe never thought possible. We are entering some intense times I feel, and the human spirit's ability to emerge victorious is what I'm rooting for.

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I don't care if somebody rises from the ashes of their ruined career. I care that their career is ruined in the first place.

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I guess im questioning the context of that career, if it's held in the grips of 'shareholder value' and that perpetuating cycle. I too hope that these companies dig deep and become more innovative and contribute to make lives on earth better. I don't want to sound too jaded. And I appreciate you bringing an expanded point of view. 🙏

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I think we can agree, at least, that the best way to insure your future is to start your own business and find ways to leverage capitalism for your own benefit instead of being exploited.

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Interesting. Sadly, you sound like all hope is lost.

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Hi... thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts.. no quite the opposite.. I'm inspired personally to shift the narrative. It's kind like miracle territory tho.. gotta keep the dream alive.

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